Listing your products for selling online is not enough. Among innumerable buying options, your products might get swayed away like a particle! In order to stand firm on your ground in the turbulent market, creating visibility for your products is indispensable.
What can be better than winning a prominent space on the top or upper-right corner of the search results page? Product listing ads give you an opportunity of cracking sales by getting relevant traffic on your products.
These ads use products and categories for targeting instead of keywords. Google decides the relevance of your ad on the basis of product data feed that contains information pertaining to product name, category, brand, availability, price, description, and colour. An eCommerce SEO expert can help in making your ads impactful.
Adhering to the following tips will help in enhancing the ROI of your Product Listing ad campaign:
1. Make Product Images Your Greatest Weapon – High-quality product images play a significant role in luring buyers to click on ads. Images should be edited to remove any distracting element, blemish, correct lighting, etc.
2. Send Product Feed to Google on a Regular Basis- Google lets merchants with consistent data to have an upper hand over others. It helps in ensuring that your product data is up-to-date. Also, a uniformity in what is shown in the ad and what is there on the website helps in attributing credibility to products.
3. Become Eligible for Ratings and Reviews – eCommerce doesn’t offer buyers the opportunity to physically examine the quality of products. Ratings and reviews from people who have already used the product aid in building trust of potential buyers. By increasing the number of reviews, you can become eligible and request Google to show rating on your ads.
4. Do not underestimate the power of Negative keywords – You cannot directly control the keywords for which your ad appears. However, you can help in charting out words or categories that can be considered closely related to your products, but are not. For instance, if you sell men’s jackets, you can use ‘women’ and ‘kids’ as negative keywords to bring qualified traffic to your products.
5. Don’t bid goodbye to SEO tactics – You can include relevant words in product title and description in your data feed. It should be descriptive so that it provides all the information that a buyer is seeking. eCommerce SEO experts can aid you.
Specialists at SunTec Marketing have proficiency in creating effective Product Listing Ads for your business. For availing a free trial, feel free to write to us at